On Campus, Thriving Communities, Tiger Sports

CC Now Home to its First Black Student-Athlete Group

Megan Clancy ’07

Mai-Loni Henson, Khaleel Gathers, and Tarike Adams speak with members of the CC BSA group at a recent meeting. Photo provided by Henson.

When Mai-Loni Henson joined the CC Athletics staff at the beginning of the academic year as the new Assistant Coach for the Women’s Basketball team, she was eager to start her collegiate coaching career. She also looked forward to developing strong relationships with the athletes like those she experienced with her own coaches in the past. Henson quickly recognized, though, that a vital piece of relationship-building for a particular set of student-athletes at CC was missing. She soon found others on campus who shared her concern and wanted to do something about it. And so, in October 2023, Black Student-Athletes (BSA) became the newest group at CC.

“We wanted to start this group in order to provide our Black student-athletes with a safe space to share their experiences,” says Henson. “Most importantly, we prioritize their mental health and well-being, but we also try to help them find resources on campus, in Colorado Springs, and beyond, so that they can build a network.”

The group was excitedly received by its initial participants and the number of members has continued to grow ever since.

“This group is crucial for the students of color at CC,” says Shalom Prince ’24, a Business, Economics, and Society major and member of CC’s women’s soccer team. “Being in this space is so inclusive and it’s a place where you can be unapologetically yourself. There is just something so valuable about being in a space with other athletes that can relate to all aspects of your experience at CC.”

BSA also includes several CC staff members as mentors for the athletes. Along with Henson, the group is currently supported and guided by Tarike Adams, Assistant Coach of CC’s Men’s Basketball team, Justine Square, Executive Director of Ed Robson Arena, and Khaleel Gathers, CC’s VP and Chief Information Officer.

“The staff are so knowledgeable, and they can additionally learn from our experiences and vice versa,” says Prince. “As athletes of color, sometimes it can be overwhelming when you don’t have a lot of individuals that look like you or understand the everyday struggles that you go through. This club helps to fill the void and connect with athletes on a different level.”

Since its founding, CC’s BSA has worked to grow on campus and build community connections throughout Colorado Springs. Their next big goal is to get the members of CC’s BSA to the BSA Summit.

The 2024 BSA Summit will take place in May on the USC campus in Los Angeles, CA. The four-day event will play host to more than 1,200 student-athletes, professionals and influencers representing more than 170 colleges and universities, marking the Summit’s largest showing in history. Highlights of this year’s Summit include a brand-new Career Combine and Pro Day, plus sessions and forums featuring guests such as former NBA Champion Matt Barnes, Klutch Sports’ Rich Paul, and CNBC’s Diana Olick.

“The BSA Summit is a great opportunity for our Black student-athletes to hear from other Black student-athletes and Black professionals in the sports industry,” says Henson. “They will be able to network for potential professional opportunities, learn about others’ experiences, and be involved in an empowering culture and environment.”

CC’s BSA is already making a big impact on current student-athletes, and it hopes to continue to grow and empower them as well as those long into the future.

“The goal for this group is to continue to grow, not only with the members at CC now, but within the alumni network as well,” says Henson.

The group is also looking forward to connecting more with other CC organizations to increase visibility and opportunity within the campus community.

“We’ve been working with the Black Student Union (BSU) on campus and are planning on collaborating with them on some events in the future,” says Prince. “This connection between BSU and BSA is so important for the CC community and it’s an empowering step forward for CC. I am just glad that I am able to be a part of such an amazing group and I cannot wait to see what this group grows into.”

Are you a former CC Black student-athlete, or an alum who would like to get involved? Would you like to sponsor a BSA member for the BSA Summit? Henson urges you to get in contact! “We welcome our alumni with open arms,” she says. “We want to be able to bridge the gaps between different generations of Black student-athletes here at CC, and we are looking for anyone to come and talk with our group about their experience and wisdom post-CC.”

2 responses to “CC Now Home to its First Black Student-Athlete Group”

  1. Clifford tompkins Avatar
    Clifford tompkins

    I am an alumni that would love to connect with this group

    1. M.Clancy Avatar

      Hi Clifford, Thank you so much for your comment and for your interest in the new CC BSA. Please contact Mai-Loni Henson at mhenson2023@coloradocollege.edu to learn more about getting involved.

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